Harness NextGen Software Delivery Platform API Reference (1.0)

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The Harness Software Delivery Platform uses OpenAPI Specification v3.0. Harness constantly improves these APIs. Please be aware that some improvements could cause breaking changes.


The Harness API allows you to integrate and use all the services and modules we provide on the Harness Platform. If you use client-side SDKs, Harness functionality can be integrated with your client-side automation, helping you reduce manual efforts and deploy code faster.

For more information about how Harness works, read our documentation or visit the Harness Developer Hub.

How it works

The Harness API is a RESTful API that uses standard HTTP verbs. You can send requests in JSON, YAML, or form-data format. The format of the response matches the format of your request. You must send a single request at a time and ensure that you include your authentication key. For more information about this, go to Authentication.

Get started

Before you start integrating, get to know our API better by reading the following topics:

The methods you need to integrate with depend on the functionality you want to use. Work with your Harness Solutions Engineer to determine which methods you need.


To authenticate with the Harness API, you need to:

  1. Generate an API token on the Harness Platform.
  2. Send the API token you generate in the x-api-key header in each request.

Generate an API token

To generate an API token, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Harness Platform.
  2. On the left-hand navigation, click My Profile.
  3. Click +API Key, enter a name for your key and then click Save.
  4. Within the API Key tile, click +Token.
  5. Enter a name for your token and click Generate Token.

Important: Make sure to save your token securely. Harness does not store the API token for future reference, so make sure to save your token securely before you leave the page.

Send the API token in your requests

Send the token you created in the Harness Platform in the x-api-key header. For example: x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE

Requests and Responses

The structure for each request and response is outlined in the API documentation. We have examples in JSON and YAML for every request and response. You can use our online editor to test the examples.

Common Parameters [Beta]

Field Name Type Default Description
identifier string none URL-friendly version of the name, used to identify a resource within it's scope and so needs to be unique within the scope.
name string none Human-friendly name for the resource.
org string none Limit to provided org identifiers.
project string none Limit to provided project identifiers.
description string none More information about the specific resource.
tags map[string]string none List of labels applied to the resource.
order string desc Order to use when sorting the specified fields. Type: enum(asc,desc).
sort string none Fields on which to sort. Note: Specify the fields that you want to use for sorting. When doing so, consider the operational overhead of sorting fields.
limit int 30 Pagination: Number of items to return.
page int 1 Pagination page number strategy: Specify the page number within the paginated collection related to the number of items in each page.
created int64 none Unix timestamp that shows when the resource was created (in milliseconds).
updated int64 none Unix timestamp that shows when the resource was last edited (in milliseconds).

Status Codes

Harness uses conventional HTTP status codes to indicate the status of an API request. Generally, 2xx responses are reserved for success and 4xx status codes are reserved for failures. A 5xx response code indicates an error on the Harness server.

Error Code Description
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
204 No Content
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
412 Precondition Failed
415 Unsupported Media Type
500 Server Error

To view our error response structures, go here.

Versioning [Beta]

Harness Version

The current version of our Beta APIs is yet to be announced. The version number will use the date-header format and will be valid only for our Beta APIs.


All our beta APIs are versioned as a Generation, and this version is included in the path to every API resource. For example, v1 beta APIs begin with app.harness.io/v1/, where v1 is the API Generation.

The version number represents the core API and does not change frequently. The version number changes only if there is a significant departure from the basic underpinnings of the existing API. For example, when Harness performs a system-wide refactoring of core concepts or resources.

Pagination [Beta]

We use pagination to place limits on the number of responses associated with list endpoints. Pagination is achieved by the use of limit query parameters. The limit defaults to 30. Its maximum value is 100.

Following are the pagination headers supported in the response bodies of paginated APIs:

  1. X-Total-Elements : Indicates the total number of entries in a paginated response.
  2. X-Page-Number : Indicates the page number currently returned for a paginated response.
  3. X-Page-Size : Indicates the number of entries per page for a paginated response.

For example:

X-Total-Elements : 30
X-Page-Number : 0
X-Page-Size : 10