List a collection of Security Test Scans
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
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- "provider": "Voluptatem quos aspernatur.",
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- "A ex eum deleniti quidem.",
- "Voluptas quas natus.",
- "Molestias sit ullam quibusdam aliquid officia.",
- "Sit et blanditiis ut et."
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- "sourceBranch": "feat/shiny-object",
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- "A ex eum deleniti quidem.",
- "Voluptas quas natus.",
- "Molestias sit ullam quibusdam aliquid officia.",
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Create a new Security Test Scan
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
{- "codeCoverage": 65.5,
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- "detectedName": "Eius assumenda ut aliquam fuga officiis aut.",
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Find Security Test Scan by ID
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
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Update an existing Security Test Scan
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
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Returns a scan specific issue
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
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- "Voluptas quas natus.",
- "Molestias sit ullam quibusdam aliquid officia.",
- "Sit et blanditiis ut et."
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- "Sint et aliquid impedit suscipit.": "Reprehenderit blanditiis."
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- "targetVariantName": "nodegoat:master",
- "title": "json-schema@0.2.3 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution",
- "type": "SAST"
List Issues by Scan ID
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
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- "Quod facere aut nulla qui quia.": "Tenetur magnam corrupti nobis."
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- "title": "json-schema@0.2.3 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution",
- "type": "SAST"
Returns counts of active Security Issues for a Security Test Scan
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
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