List a collection of Security Issues
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
{- "pagination": {
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- "page": 4,
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- "totalItems": 230,
- "totalPages": 12
}, - "results": [
- {
- "baselineVariantId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "created": 1651578240,
- "currentStatus": "Pending",
- "details": {
- "package": "json-schema",
- "version": "v0.2.3"
}, - "exemptionId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "exemptionStatusAtScan": "Approved",
- "harnessAugmentation": {
- "Possimus suscipit omnis deleniti exercitationem.": "Voluptatum est qui rerum totam et.",
- "Repellendus voluptatem magni quos.": "Aut sint et aliquid impedit suscipit.",
- "Reprehenderit blanditiis.": "Tempora dolor doloremque quo sequi repellat ab."
}, - "id": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "key": "json-schema@0.2.3",
- "numOccurrences": 10,
- "occurrenceId": 12345,
- "occurrences": [
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- "line": "42"
}, - {
- "line": "666"
], - "productId": "product1234567890abcde",
- "severity": 8.5,
- "severityCode": "High",
- "status": "Remediated",
- "subproduct": "product",
- "targetId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetName": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetType": "repository",
- "targetVariantId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetVariantName": "nodegoat:master",
- "title": "json-schema@0.2.3 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution",
- "type": "SAST"
}, - {
- "baselineVariantId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "created": 1651578240,
- "currentStatus": "Pending",
- "details": {
- "package": "json-schema",
- "version": "v0.2.3"
}, - "exemptionId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "exemptionStatusAtScan": "Approved",
- "harnessAugmentation": {
- "Possimus suscipit omnis deleniti exercitationem.": "Voluptatum est qui rerum totam et.",
- "Repellendus voluptatem magni quos.": "Aut sint et aliquid impedit suscipit.",
- "Reprehenderit blanditiis.": "Tempora dolor doloremque quo sequi repellat ab."
}, - "id": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "key": "json-schema@0.2.3",
- "numOccurrences": 10,
- "occurrenceId": 12345,
- "occurrences": [
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- "line": "42"
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- "line": "666"
], - "productId": "product1234567890abcde",
- "severity": 8.5,
- "severityCode": "High",
- "status": "Remediated",
- "subproduct": "product",
- "targetId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetName": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetType": "repository",
- "targetVariantId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetVariantName": "nodegoat:master",
- "title": "json-schema@0.2.3 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution",
- "type": "SAST"
Create a new Security Issue
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
{- "details": {
- "package": "json-schema",
- "version": "v0.2.3"
}, - "exemptionId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "key": "json-schema@0.2.3",
- "keyPattern": [
- "library_name",
- "library_version"
], - "numOccurrences": 10,
- "occurrences": [
- {
- "line": "42"
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- "line": "666"
], - "productId": "product1234567890abcde",
- "scanId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "severity": 8.5,
- "severityCode": "High",
- "subproduct": "product",
- "targetVariantName": "nodegoat:master",
- "title": "json-schema@0.2.3 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution",
- "type": "SAST"
{- "id": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl"
Find Security Issue by ID
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
{- "baselineVariantId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "created": 1651578240,
- "currentStatus": "Pending",
- "details": {
- "package": "json-schema",
- "version": "v0.2.3"
}, - "exemptionId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "exemptionStatusAtScan": "Approved",
- "harnessAugmentation": {
- "Possimus suscipit omnis deleniti exercitationem.": "Voluptatum est qui rerum totam et.",
- "Repellendus voluptatem magni quos.": "Aut sint et aliquid impedit suscipit.",
- "Reprehenderit blanditiis.": "Tempora dolor doloremque quo sequi repellat ab."
}, - "id": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "key": "json-schema@0.2.3",
- "numOccurrences": 10,
- "occurrenceId": 12345,
- "occurrences": [
- {
- "line": "42"
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- "line": "666"
], - "productId": "product1234567890abcde",
- "severity": 8.5,
- "severityCode": "High",
- "status": "Remediated",
- "subproduct": "product",
- "targetId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetName": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetType": "repository",
- "targetVariantId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "targetVariantName": "nodegoat:master",
- "title": "json-schema@0.2.3 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution",
- "type": "SAST"
Update an existing Security Issue
Update succeeded.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
NotFound: Not Found response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
{- "numOccurrences": 10,
- "occurrences": [
- {
- "line": "42"
}, - {
- "line": "666"
], - "scanId": "abcdef1234567890ghijkl",
- "type": "SAST"
{- "message": "Bad Request: accountId parameter is required",
- "status": 400
Use AI to augment the remediation steps for this Security Issue
OK response.
BadRequest: Bad Request response.
Unauthorized: Unauthorized response.
Forbidden: Forbidden response.
TooManyRequests: Too Many Requests response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
{- "connectorId": "A aut unde iste officiis.",
- "occurrenceId": 12345,
- "referenceId": "CWE-123",
- "scanId": "abcdefghijkl1234567890",
- "userSnippet": "func example() int {\n return 0\n}"
{- "remediationCode": "Illo et molestiae qui sed quia tempore.",
- "remediationContext": "Aperiam voluptatem et aspernatur."