Workspaces Service handles the API for managing workspaces and triggering workflows against them.
List all workspaces.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
[- {
- "account": "k",
- "created": 450503455647464060,
- "description": "this is a more detailed explanation of the resource.",
- "identifier": "5",
- "name": "resource name",
- "org": "p",
- "project": "izf",
- "status": "active",
- "updated": 4428186642233003500
}, - {
- "account": "k",
- "created": 450503455647464060,
- "description": "this is a more detailed explanation of the resource.",
- "identifier": "5",
- "name": "resource name",
- "org": "p",
- "project": "izf",
- "status": "active",
- "updated": 4428186642233003500
}, - {
- "account": "k",
- "created": 450503455647464060,
- "description": "this is a more detailed explanation of the resource.",
- "identifier": "5",
- "name": "resource name",
- "org": "p",
- "project": "izf",
- "status": "active",
- "updated": 4428186642233003500
}, - {
- "account": "k",
- "created": 450503455647464060,
- "description": "this is a more detailed explanation of the resource.",
- "identifier": "5",
- "name": "resource name",
- "org": "p",
- "project": "izf",
- "status": "active",
- "updated": 4428186642233003500
Create a new workspace.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "budget": 0.32656446,
- "cost_breakdown_json": "c4a2d99bc28d236098a095277b7eb0718d6be068",
- "cost_diff_json": "c4a2d99bc28d236098a095277b7eb0718d6be068",
- "cost_estimation_enabled": true,
- "default_pipelines": {
- "Nobis distinctio eum nihil eos.": {
- "project_pipeline": "Optio et mollitia.",
- "workspace_pipeline": "Accusamus quasi ut aut."
}, - "Sint sit dolor laborum eum nemo ut.": {
- "project_pipeline": "Optio et mollitia.",
- "workspace_pipeline": "Accusamus quasi ut aut."
}, - "description": "this is a more detailed explanation of the resource.",
- "environment_variables": {
- "Debitis labore tempore et voluptas omnis est.": {
- "key": "x",
- "value": "Pariatur hic quos ipsum exercitationem exercitationem.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "identifier": "mc",
- "name": "resource name",
- "provider_connector": "Ducimus eos et ut et sunt veritatis.",
- "provisioner": "opentofu",
- "provisioner_version": "Harum vel nisi eum.",
- "repository": "Delectus quasi totam.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Eius eveniet illum.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed",
- "terraform_plan_json": "f9e21473daaa2674d862b67a1339f4570e86de17",
- "terraform_state": "fc1200c7a7aa52109d762a9f005b149abef01479",
- "terraform_state_json": "c4a2d99bc28d236098a095277b7eb0718d6be068",
- "terraform_variable_files": [
- {
- "repository": "Aut blanditiis.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Et aut et dicta.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
}, - {
- "repository": "Aut blanditiis.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Et aut et dicta.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
}, - {
- "repository": "Aut blanditiis.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Et aut et dicta.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
}, - {
- "repository": "Aut blanditiis.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Et aut et dicta.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
], - "terraform_variables": {
- "Totam incidunt dolor.": {
- "key": "x",
- "value": "Pariatur hic quos ipsum exercitationem exercitationem.",
- "value_type": "secret"
{- "policy_evaluation": {
- "account_id": "XRQAjvT37acOiXx9PRaQMF",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636370209475,
- "details": [
- {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
], - "entity": "7bbca5d4-e9f2-4955-9b2a-019ec4d3645e",
- "entity_metadata": "7bbca5d4-e9f2-4955-9b2a-019ec4d3645e",
- "id": 123,
- "input": "",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline,service"
Deletes the given workspace.
No Content response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
Show an individual workspace.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "account": "fd",
- "backend_locked": true,
- "budget": 0.69633406,
- "cost_breakdown_json": "c4a2d99bc28d236098a095277b7eb0718d6be068",
- "cost_diff_json": "c4a2d99bc28d236098a095277b7eb0718d6be068",
- "cost_estimation_enabled": true,
- "created": 621702037112282500,
- "default_pipelines": {
- "Ea accusamus maxime laborum vitae sunt.": {
- "project_pipeline": "Molestiae quod omnis ab quos.",
- "workspace_pipeline": "Eum itaque vel et tenetur."
}, - "Rerum hic.": {
- "project_pipeline": "Molestiae quod omnis ab quos.",
- "workspace_pipeline": "Eum itaque vel et tenetur."
}, - "description": "this is a more detailed explanation of the resource.",
- "environment_variables": {
- "A in est voluptatem.": {
- "created": 7234786992863097000,
- "key": "wnu",
- "updated": 3627773628377667600,
- "value": "Sit aspernatur eum rerum delectus.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "Tenetur illum quis deserunt aut tenetur.": {
- "created": 7234786992863097000,
- "key": "wnu",
- "updated": 3627773628377667600,
- "value": "Sit aspernatur eum rerum delectus.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "identifier": "u",
- "name": "resource name",
- "org": "ec",
- "project": "4kn",
- "provider_connector": "Impedit eius totam sit ut eius.",
- "provisioner": "terraform",
- "provisioner_data": "Dolores voluptatem et sint.",
- "provisioner_version": "Quo architecto omnis.",
- "repository": "Minus voluptate voluptatum nisi.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Voluptatibus architecto a quo aut.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed",
- "status": "provisioning",
- "terraform_plan_json": "f9e21473daaa2674d862b67a1339f4570e86de17",
- "terraform_state": "fc1200c7a7aa52109d762a9f005b149abef01479",
- "terraform_state_json": "c4a2d99bc28d236098a095277b7eb0718d6be068",
- "terraform_variable_files": [
- {
- "repository": "Cumque dolorem eius corporis cumque harum.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Quis optio eos rerum consequatur veritatis nesciunt.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
}, - {
- "repository": "Cumque dolorem eius corporis cumque harum.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Quis optio eos rerum consequatur veritatis nesciunt.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
}, - {
- "repository": "Cumque dolorem eius corporis cumque harum.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Quis optio eos rerum consequatur veritatis nesciunt.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
}, - {
- "repository": "Cumque dolorem eius corporis cumque harum.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Quis optio eos rerum consequatur veritatis nesciunt.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
], - "terraform_variables": {
- "Odio dolorem unde harum ut.": {
- "created": 7234786992863097000,
- "key": "wnu",
- "updated": 3627773628377667600,
- "value": "Sit aspernatur eum rerum delectus.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "Perferendis omnis ullam et molestiae aliquid.": {
- "created": 7234786992863097000,
- "key": "wnu",
- "updated": 3627773628377667600,
- "value": "Sit aspernatur eum rerum delectus.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "Voluptatem iusto necessitatibus nesciunt dolorem modi.": {
- "created": 7234786992863097000,
- "key": "wnu",
- "updated": 3627773628377667600,
- "value": "Sit aspernatur eum rerum delectus.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "updated": 5815378118461004000
Updates the given workspace with new info.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "budget": 0.72022957,
- "cost_estimation_enabled": true,
- "default_pipelines": {
- "Natus pariatur tempora porro tenetur earum.": {
- "project_pipeline": "Optio et mollitia.",
- "workspace_pipeline": "Accusamus quasi ut aut."
}, - "description": "this is a more detailed explanation of the resource.",
- "environment_variables": {
- "Nesciunt incidunt quis.": {
- "key": "x",
- "value": "Pariatur hic quos ipsum exercitationem exercitationem.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "name": "resource name",
- "provider_connector": "Placeat voluptatum dicta voluptatem.",
- "provisioner": "opentofu",
- "provisioner_version": "Quibusdam ad eos ut voluptatem praesentium asperiores.",
- "repository": "Eaque ut totam adipisci.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Blanditiis ipsum ipsam.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed",
- "terraform_variable_files": [
- {
- "repository": "Aut blanditiis.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Et aut et dicta.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
}, - {
- "repository": "Aut blanditiis.",
- "repository_branch": "main",
- "repository_commit": "abc10ed",
- "repository_connector": "Et aut et dicta.",
- "repository_path": "",
- "repository_sha": "abc10ed"
], - "terraform_variables": {
- "Excepturi saepe et illo consequatur illo.": {
- "key": "x",
- "value": "Pariatur hic quos ipsum exercitationem exercitationem.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "Ut ea rerum.": {
- "key": "x",
- "value": "Pariatur hic quos ipsum exercitationem exercitationem.",
- "value_type": "secret"
}, - "Ut quasi est porro inventore id at.": {
- "key": "x",
- "value": "Pariatur hic quos ipsum exercitationem exercitationem.",
- "value_type": "secret"
{- "policy_evaluation": {
- "account_id": "XRQAjvT37acOiXx9PRaQMF",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636370209475,
- "details": [
- {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
], - "entity": "7bbca5d4-e9f2-4955-9b2a-019ec4d3645e",
- "entity_metadata": "7bbca5d4-e9f2-4955-9b2a-019ec4d3645e",
- "id": 123,
- "input": "",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline,service"
Force unlock a workspace.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
List resources associated with this workspace.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "instance_public_ip",
- "sensitive": true,
- "value": "Et odio nam."
}, - {
- "name": "instance_public_ip",
- "sensitive": true,
- "value": "Et odio nam."
}, - {
- "name": "instance_public_ip",
- "sensitive": true,
- "value": "Et odio nam."
], - "resources": [
- {
- "attributes": {
- "ami": "ami-830c94ec",
- "instance_type": "t2.micro"
}, - "drift_attributes": {
- "instance_type": "t2.nano"
}, - "drift_status": "changed",
- "module": "full_stack",
- "name": "app_server",
- "provider": "AWS",
- "sensitive_attributes": [
- "instance_type"
], - "type": "S3 Bucket"
}, - {
- "attributes": {
- "ami": "ami-830c94ec",
- "instance_type": "t2.micro"
}, - "drift_attributes": {
- "instance_type": "t2.nano"
}, - "drift_status": "changed",
- "module": "full_stack",
- "name": "app_server",
- "provider": "AWS",
- "sensitive_attributes": [
- "instance_type"
], - "type": "S3 Bucket"
Clone the given workspace with new name.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "identifier": "s",
- "name": "resource name"
{- "policy_evaluation": {
- "account_id": "XRQAjvT37acOiXx9PRaQMF",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636370209475,
- "details": [
- {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "action": "onrun",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "description": "Captures critical production policies",
- "details": [
- {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
}, - {
- "deny_messages": [
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' does not have a HarnessApproval step",
- "deployment stage 'example-stage' has step 'run-script' that is forbidden type 'ShellScript'"
], - "output": "{\n \"deny\": [\n \"deployment stage 'deploy' does not have a HarnessApproval step\"\n ],\n \"stages_with_approval\": []\n}",
- "policy": {
- "account_id": "eBqAoNchMLKigC_qZ5EdC",
- "created": 1636669297674,
- "identifier": "policy-1",
- "name": "Pipeline Approval",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "rego": "",
- "updated": 1636669297674
}, - "rego_error": "policy.rego:25: rego_parse_error: non-terminated string m == \"test",
- "status": "error"
], - "enabled": true,
- "identifier": "policyset-1",
- "name": "Production Policies",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline",
- "updated": 1636669297674
], - "entity": "7bbca5d4-e9f2-4955-9b2a-019ec4d3645e",
- "entity_metadata": "7bbca5d4-e9f2-4955-9b2a-019ec4d3645e",
- "id": 123,
- "input": "",
- "org_id": "test-org",
- "project_id": "test-project",
- "status": "error",
- "type": "pipeline,service"
List all stored data for a workspace.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
[- {
- "account": "s",
- "created": 8976024305463551000,
- "data_type": "state_raw",
- "id": "dc538c61-de48-4220-958c-5f3c4f983daa",
- "org": "k4l",
- "pipeline_execution_id": "Et quisquam reprehenderit alias itaque ut.",
- "pipeline_id": "Non aut rerum delectus.",
- "pipeline_stage_id": "Amet nisi quasi corporis voluptatem.",
- "project": "3u1",
- "provisioner_type": "tf",
- "stage_id": "Officiis et.",
- "workspace": "workspace123"
}, - {
- "account": "s",
- "created": 8976024305463551000,
- "data_type": "state_raw",
- "id": "dc538c61-de48-4220-958c-5f3c4f983daa",
- "org": "k4l",
- "pipeline_execution_id": "Et quisquam reprehenderit alias itaque ut.",
- "pipeline_id": "Non aut rerum delectus.",
- "pipeline_stage_id": "Amet nisi quasi corporis voluptatem.",
- "project": "3u1",
- "provisioner_type": "tf",
- "stage_id": "Officiis et.",
- "workspace": "workspace123"
Store binary data generated by the provisioner, such as plans and state files.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "id": "dc538c61-de48-4220-958c-5f3c4f983daa",
- "policy_evaluation": [
- {
- "message": "Quasi repellat qui molestiae autem voluptatum.",
- "policy_id": "Voluptatem est quasi officia natus.",
- "policy_name": "Repellat tempora sit id.",
- "policy_set_id": "Reiciendis nemo cupiditate atque.",
- "policy_set_name": "Cumque error incidunt quis qui.",
- "policy_status": "Repellat sunt doloribus praesentium."
}, - {
- "message": "Quasi repellat qui molestiae autem voluptatum.",
- "policy_id": "Voluptatem est quasi officia natus.",
- "policy_name": "Repellat tempora sit id.",
- "policy_set_id": "Reiciendis nemo cupiditate atque.",
- "policy_set_name": "Cumque error incidunt quis qui.",
- "policy_status": "Repellat sunt doloribus praesentium."
], - "policy_evaluation_message": "- instance type 'xlarge' is not permitted",
- "policy_evaluation_status": "error"
Get binary data generated by the provisioner, such as plans and state files.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
Evaluate policy against previously stored data, such as plans and state files.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "id": "dc538c61-de48-4220-958c-5f3c4f983daa",
- "policy_evaluation": [
- {
- "message": "Quasi repellat qui molestiae autem voluptatum.",
- "policy_id": "Voluptatem est quasi officia natus.",
- "policy_name": "Repellat tempora sit id.",
- "policy_set_id": "Reiciendis nemo cupiditate atque.",
- "policy_set_name": "Cumque error incidunt quis qui.",
- "policy_status": "Repellat sunt doloribus praesentium."
}, - {
- "message": "Quasi repellat qui molestiae autem voluptatum.",
- "policy_id": "Voluptatem est quasi officia natus.",
- "policy_name": "Repellat tempora sit id.",
- "policy_set_id": "Reiciendis nemo cupiditate atque.",
- "policy_set_name": "Cumque error incidunt quis qui.",
- "policy_status": "Repellat sunt doloribus praesentium."
}, - {
- "message": "Quasi repellat qui molestiae autem voluptatum.",
- "policy_id": "Voluptatem est quasi officia natus.",
- "policy_name": "Repellat tempora sit id.",
- "policy_set_id": "Reiciendis nemo cupiditate atque.",
- "policy_set_name": "Cumque error incidunt quis qui.",
- "policy_status": "Repellat sunt doloribus praesentium."
], - "policy_evaluation_message": "- instance type 'xlarge' is not permitted",
- "policy_evaluation_status": "error"
Store binary data generated by the provisioner, such as plans and state files.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "data": {
- "Debitis vel iure adipisci similique impedit.": "Reiciendis aliquam.",
- "Ea quasi a dicta consequuntur ipsam.": "Voluptatem aliquam est nobis laudantium id.",
- "Ut voluptatibus ullam.": "Iusto ullam nihil."
}, - "event_type": "failed",
- "metadata": {
- "PlannedChangesCount": 4303301335053559300,
- "activity_status": "Vel aperiam minus eaque.",
- "activity_type": "Nihil reiciendis fuga.",
- "cost_after": "Vitae eveniet quia possimus consequatur omnis sed.",
- "cost_before": "Magni et sapiente quisquam tenetur ipsa.",
- "cost_data_uuid": "Tempore ullam dolor dolor eligendi fugiat.",
- "cost_percentage_change": "Qui amet consequatur rerum molestias.",
- "git_branch": "Facilis cum.",
- "git_commit_message": "Et nesciunt.",
- "git_commit_sha": "Numquam ea vero esse ipsum repellendus.",
- "pipeline": "Quae qui quisquam cupiditate quo impedit sapiente.",
- "pipeline_execution_id": "Ad enim error laborum perferendis saepe ipsum.",
- "pipeline_execution_number": "Earum est nesciunt laudantium.",
- "pipeline_name": "Reiciendis unde recusandae soluta nisi odio consequatur.",
- "pipeline_stage_id": "Aut in.",
- "plan_data_uuid": "Excepturi laudantium dignissimos velit at deserunt voluptates.",
- "provisioner": "Necessitatibus rerum iusto totam voluptatem consequatur occaecati.",
- "provisioner_version": "Eius iusto.",
- "resource_count_ changed": 1805431027466071300,
- "resource_count_added": 3015862604602512400,
- "resource_count_deleted": 3414025575432410600,
- "resource_count_unchanged": 1515025890659232300,
- "state_data_uuid": "Illum labore dolorum ab dignissimos aut consequatur.",
- "trigger": "Dolor voluptatibus ipsa ipsam in fuga."
}, - "pipeline_execution_id": "Optio sint aut eum enim sit.",
- "pipeline_stage_id": "Temporibus autem voluptatibus eveniet."
List the pipelines where the workspace is been used
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "account": "c",
- "org": "2r",
- "pipelines": [
- "Accusamus officia.",
- "Dolorum qui sunt dolorem ut placeat voluptas.",
- "Modi ipsa sunt.",
- "Est deserunt maiores id neque."
], - "project": "zr"
Create a speculative plan for a workspace.
Created response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "account": "3z",
- "created": 3445342921537919500,
- "executed": true,
- "id": "e43bf7d5-e90c-446e-8be4-dd1e2e07d95b",
- "org": "yk3",
- "pipeline_execution_id": "Eum maiores voluptate aut.",
- "pipeline_execution_url": "Ipsa earum a necessitatibus numquam.",
- "project": "54e",
- "sha256_checksum": "Sint voluptas dolores similique et laudantium voluptas.",
- "updated": 2608797972627052500,
- "workspace": "Vel sit similique ex quia vitae ut."
Find speculative plan
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "account": "zs8",
- "created": 4607456546116372500,
- "executed": true,
- "id": "4d57eb6c-a0e7-46a4-83ad-3e24d045b936",
- "org": "6d",
- "pipeline_execution_id": "Eius ut dolor exercitationem officiis ut dignissimos.",
- "pipeline_execution_url": "Ratione rerum numquam ut.",
- "project": "j",
- "sha256_checksum": "Vero eos sequi alias.",
- "updated": 1514955751162670600,
- "workspace": "Et et praesentium."
Download the source code diff for the speculative plan.
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
Execute the speculative plan
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "account": "r",
- "created": 2084420558530537700,
- "executed": false,
- "id": "4511a95e-b7ef-4349-8990-f340e853c1b1",
- "org": "d",
- "pipeline_execution_id": "Accusantium reiciendis maxime tempora.",
- "pipeline_execution_url": "Ea culpa explicabo voluptas.",
- "project": "y",
- "sha256_checksum": "In aspernatur debitis neque nostrum repellendus.",
- "updated": 4422666637651784000,
- "workspace": "Quisquam repellat nam blanditiis mollitia nam nobis."
Upload the source code diff for the speculative plan.
Harness-Account required | string [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Account is the internal customer account ID. Example: mw |
Content-Digest required | string Content-Digest header as defined in Sha256 is the only supported algorithm. Example: Et ab est et eos sit qui. |
OK response.
BadRequestError: Bad Request response.
UnauthorizedError: Unauthorized response.
ForbiddenError: Forbidden response.
NotFoundError: Not Found response.
TimeoutError: Request Timeout response.
ConflictError: Conflict response.
LockedError: Locked response.
ContextCancelledError: response.
InternalServerError: Internal Server Error response.
BadGatewayError: Bad Gateway response.
{- "account": "pya",
- "created": 7531938199277998000,
- "executed": false,
- "id": "9d868462-033e-466d-8e1a-eb01f9c77f14",
- "org": "py",
- "pipeline_execution_id": "Ea odit temporibus qui perspiciatis.",
- "pipeline_execution_url": "Harum suscipit quia modi et quis maiores.",
- "project": "k",
- "sha256_checksum": "Et voluptas aspernatur autem.",
- "updated": 6778418678030238000,
- "workspace": "Modi repellendus illo quae similique."